Implement a custom dataset for training and testing.
custom_camera_params = {
    'id': None,
    'res_w': None, # Pulled from metadata
    'res_h': None, # Pulled from metadata
    # Dummy camera parameters (taken from Human3.6M), only for visualization purposes
    'azimuth': 70, # Only used for visualization
    'orientation': [0.1407056450843811, -0.1500701755285263, -0.755240797996521, 0.6223280429840088],
    'translation': [1841.1070556640625, 4955.28466796875, 1563.4454345703125],

class CustomDataset[source]

CustomDataset(detections_path, remove_static_joints=True) :: MocapDataset

Creates a custom dataset with the Human36m skeleton.

class CustomDataset(MocapDataset):
    """Creates a custom dataset with the Human36m skeleton."""
    def __init__(self, detections_path, remove_static_joints=True):
        super().__init__(fps=None, skeleton=h36m_skeleton)        
        self._cameras = {}
        self._data = {}

        # Load serialized dataset
        data = np.load(detections_path, allow_pickle=True)
        resolutions = data['metadata'].item()['video_metadata']

        for video_name, res in resolutions.items():
            cam = {}
            cam['orientation'] = np.array(cam['orientation'], dtype='float32')
            cam['translation'] = np.array(cam['translation'], dtype='float32')
            cam['translation'] = cam['translation']/1000 # mm to meters
            cam['id'] = video_name
            cam['res_w'] = res['w']
            cam['res_h'] = res['h']
            self._cameras[video_name] = [cam]
            self._data[video_name] = {'custom': { 'cameras': cam } }
        if remove_static_joints:
            # Bring the skeleton to 17 joints instead of the original 32
                4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
            # Rewire shoulders to the correct parents
            self._skeleton._parents[11] = 8
            self._skeleton._parents[14] = 8
    def supports_semi_supervised(self):
        return False